I'll be out of here by an hour, but took my last time here to check out my sitemeter if there is some increase or not of the visitors of my blog. Actually I quite impressed, drastic increase in the graph haha at last my crazy promotion is paid off. Thanks dude and all my friends, keep watch my step.
blog gw lumayan jg nih udah 2 bulan gw isi terus...rekor!!! biasanya 1 bulan jg udah paling lama. Maybe I am a little grown up or somethin...yeah rite!! watever!
Merry Christmas semua, semoga jadi Natal yang menyenangkan. Sayang disini ga ada salju yah, lebih keliatan natalnya...White Christmas. Kemaren malam Natal gw cuma nyelamatin cew gw aja, sekalian titip salam kesana kesini...mo gmana lg? pulsa gw bocor, ampir abis en gw cekak. Memang Natal ga ada hubungan ma gw, karna gw bukan Katolik ato pun Kristen...tp dari kecil sekeliling gw tu dipenuhi aura Yesus, dari sekolah, teman, en bahkan di Natalnya gw pernah bantu bikin kandang Natal. Not a big deal...tp bukan berarti gw bukan Islam lg, gw tetap Islam hehe and with respect, lets end my religous issue, rite now! hehe
Gereja di sebelah rumah tante gw rame banget, besar memang gerejanya...donaturnya pasti tajir abis dah, tp yg lucunya asitekturnya agak seperti mesjid..bikin ragu. Acara TV gw ga nonton, padahal tiap tahun kalo di Padang pasti nonton...dari Film Home Alone, Jack Frost ato yg Santa2 begitu...pasti nonton meski dah tua banget film nya.
Hari ini cuma di rumah aja, tunggu matahari bergulir jatuh...jadi besok gw udah bisa pulang. Makan, rokok trus WC...lanjut ke komik, trus ke laptop...lingkaran setan!!
LAST JOURNEY!! Departure to : Padang Departure time: 11.30AM Departure date: 26 December 2005 Purpose : spend New Year there,wif Vera (nothing more...nothin less..)
Ini postingan dari kereta api malam Taksaka, delay +/- 24 jam, yang pasti sekarang menunjukkan jam 8.16 malam. Ini yang kedua kali nya gw naek Taksaka amlem, yang sebelumnya Taksaka siang. Tapi kayanya ini kereta api yang sama deh, soalnya pramugari nya sama dengan yang dulu. Hehe kok gw inget ya? Soalnya pramugarinya hot sih, bedanya dengan pesawat, pramugari kereta Cuma 2 orang untuk 4 gerbong. Kalo pramugari pesawat kan bisa 4 orang buat 1 kabin, jelas aja lebih mahal….pemandangannya kan beda.
Barusan aja gw disuguhi roti ma pramugari nya, ya gw terima donk…lagian kan gratis, masuk dalam service. Tp kecut juga niat gw buat makan rotinya, kayanya sudah lama en ga dipanasin, jadi rada2 apek gitu. Kepaksa deh tu roti gw tangkringin aja di kursi sebelah gw yang kosong, minum aer putih nya aja. Gw tunda dulu ngetiknya, mo nonton TV nya, ada Santa Claus gitu hehe suasana natal di dalam kereta.
11.09 malam....... Great movie barusan, bagus dan menyentuh. Udah berapa lama sejak terakhir nonton film bagus, ga lama2 banget sih…kemaren ini sempat nonton Interstate 60…inspirational banget. Mulai sekarang gw putusin buat naik kereta api aja selama di Jawa, jadi jangan harap gw bakalan yg lain selain pesawat kalau jurusannya Padang-Jakarta. Banyak yang bisa lihat disini, terutama karakter2 manusia…memang panggung sandiwara, benar Nicky Astria.
Oya, tadi gw makan bistiknya Taksaka…nice and quite delicious. Salahnya mereka masukin kebanyakn kecap gitu ke dalamnya, jadi kelewat manis…tp gpp deh, enak kok. Emang pernah sih ada yang bilang ke gw kalo bistik punya Taksaka itu paling enak, tapi gw baru aja nyobain. Sorry mama, sayurnya tetap aja gak gw habisin.
Ini ada puisi baru gw bikin selama di atas rel:
Kotak besi diatas rel Kelam Menyelami malam Terlewati kabut temaram Cepat dan berderu Mengendap-endap Selalu ketahuan
Pandangi hijau Gak ada hijau Pandangi biru Yang ada hitam Mereka beberapa bersaudara Erat terikat Laju mengikuti aroma Besi dan metal
jam 04.30 pagi... shit..harusnya gw uda sampe ini, ga tau nya masi sejam lagi katanya. Kereta nya kebanyakan berenti sih tadi di jalan...kena tilang mungkin. Untung aja ketemu temen tadi, ngobrol panjang lebar ditemani kepulan marlboro dan sampoerna sahut menyahut. Hangga namanya, asal Medan, tugas sebagai AU di Jogjakarta, pangkat perwira...dan lagi2 bikin gw ga enak...umurnya masih 22 - anak buahnya 30 orang. Gw jadi sedih aja sedikit karna belum jadi apa2, malah kerja apa2 an yang ada. Kita ngobrol banyak...terutama politik, militer, government policy, sosial dan pendidikan. Ternyata tentara itu ga serem2 banget - pada awalnya sih kebayang sepatu bot besar baju loreng, yaaa...kerjanya nendangin orang minta kopi gratis - yang ini justru baik banget, gampang senyum...ketawa lagi. Moga2 semua image negative mereka bisa dirubah seiring lahirnya Hangga baru yang berpendidikan seperti itu (kata org pendidikan si Hangga ini mahal banget and super-bonafit buat ke-tentaraan...katanya sih di Surabaya...)
Udah ah...gw cobain aja tidur, walau sejam...kerut2 di pelupuk mata gw udah mulai keliatan soalnya, mana mulai item lg. Great view, great person, great journey.
Munich, a movie by Steven Spielberg and that's it...that's all I need to know about. Spielberg's movie will always be a boom. no matter how colosal or oldies it is. The review wrote that it took place in after Munich Olympic's massacre in 1972, something to do about the Isreali somethin. The lead role will be Eric Bana, I think he was also the actor in Jurassic Park, am I right? For the complete review, you must click here
Actually I never heard about this movie until I see the full review, so if it's old or new...I don't know. But I love Steven Spielberg's creation, even we can catch the emotion in War of the Worlds. The problem that makes this movie look like a crap was because people are expecting much about heroic scene, but responsible father.
Yet another movie that worth to be waited for is Da Vinci Code by Tom Hanks. I am really have much curiousity what Tom Hanks will look like in that movie. But his acting ability could be counted as the best in Hollywood and will be seated in the same row with Al Pacino and Robert de Niro. Tom Hanks can act like a man with low IQ (Forrest Gump) and foreigner with perfect accent (The Terminal), and he did it perfectly...bravo. So it will be no matter for him to be a simbiology lecturer like Robert Langdon, or somethin quite natural person (I won't say that Langdon has a really natural personality...he's obsession to iconology was quite freak me out)
Talkin about books, Da Vinci Code is one from many books that people like to blog about. Harry Potter: The Half-Blood Prince also on the list. The rest of books on the list most likely books that talk about economics and politics, or other paranoia that too much to handle by me. I hate boring books. The list was arranged by New York Times, see the full list
I almost running out of time here, for the next 2 days I'll be gone for good haha not really. I might come to visit my brother again, but off course not...in near future. I'll be going to Jakarta to see my mom for a while. Actually I am not sure if I'll take the night train or the morning one. Both of them will sure be fine, but I think I'll take the morning one...two reasons: more views and more people to talk to. Let's deal with it tomorrow
Next stop : Jakarta Departure date: 24 December 2005 Departure time: either 10.00 AM or 8.30 PM
I just called my girlfriend. She apologize coz she turned off the cellphone, coz she is in the middle of study for the exam tomorrow. No problem sweetie, I will just lookin forward for the New Year Eve that we will spend together. Good luck for ur exam....Love the voice that keep buzzing in my head
To be proud of, I am not in vain no more. I am glad, I lost all the burden that I took all this long. I am not gonna tell what it is about, or how it is gonna be. Coz it's over and I am gonna over it for sure. If it is a year ago, I will say that I'll be a bew man or somethin...no, not today. I am just gonna say "just face tomorrow more lightly.."
I am still in Yogyakarta now, where everything seem to be very cheap in value haha...I am not kiddin, every single things here are very cheap, you can name it: food, shoes, clothes...anythin. Especially when u have "quality" as the second thought in mind.
Malioboro Street, placed near Tugu Train Station, is the best place to shop. If you imagine Malioboro as clean tidy spot, u re out of your mind...but mark this out, it is lovely at night. The shopping activity took place in the pedestarian walk, haha the cheap stuff are here (especially when u re smart enough in bargaining...here we go, girl..). I am not really good in bargaining, so I was just able to bring a pair of shorts...nothin more. Intersted in art, welcome to the house!! In Malioboro, u even can smell the art, "pengamen" (street artist..) treat this place as their home.Every single night, most of them are students, perform music, traditional art or sell painting or sculpture. Yogyakarta is Malioboro.
miss somethin, somethin fancy to buy, there is Malioboro Mall around. I tell ya...complete shopping spot. (I placed the picture of Malioboro above..)
Arrived on last Saturday, this is my first post since I drop my ass into Jakarta. Quite amazing to see Jakarta, everytime I come. As a capital city, Jakarta is the best place to spend money and look for somethin new. With no offense, unfortunately Jakarta is not the best place for un-patient people. Yesterday was even worst, I went from Daan Mogot to Slipi for almost two hours, sleepy and dissent in Blue Bird Taxi. God Bless me, I can control myself not to yell to a motorcycle which hit the cab from the back. WHAT THE F***! From "experienced" people I learn about "never late" or "never make any exact appointment", coz they will never work hahaha...I got the point though
I woke up quite early this morning to bring my grandmother's eyedrop. She is quite okay now, compare the last time I see hear with all pipe all over her body. She is still struggling to complete her physiotherapy...yeah some part of her body are still numb from the effect of stroke she got earlier. Now, I miss her spirit to teach and read, coz she never do that anymore...she is too weak to do all that things, for some times she wasn't able to talk. Wish u all the best Eyang...
After about an hour, I flew away to Citraland, the nearest mall around the hospital. See...when I say the nearest, it means less than 2 hours on ride. The last time I was here around 4 years ago, so I can't quite remember the place. Woow...It's quite big inside, good stuff and ladies off course.....how miserable I am when I thought it's not worth it to be explored. The problem just the distance I have to take from here to my place, quite far and spend to much money for the cab. Naahh...that's okay, coz this is the only place that I can meet my girlfriend. She never want to go somewhere that too far from her university...fine. ahahha
Next stop : JogjakartaDeparture time : 8.15 AM (by train..)Departure date : Monday, 12 December 2005