Al Pacino is known from his role as a soft-spoken crimelord in Godfather Trilogy at 1970's (as well as Marlon Brando. I watch the trilogy over and over and over again....every year when I am at my hometown. Never buy it, I just rent it, coz I know for sure that it will be a waste if I buy it. Not because it's not worth it or somethin, simply just because it won't last long. I would lost it someday and I don't want to do that.
I thought that's all about Al Pacino and completely wrong I was. ...And Justice for All (1979) and Scent of Woman (1992) came along. In both of this movie, I saw the real quality of Pacino. Real actor with genuine characteristic. Nobody act like he does...i think, maybe becoz he has theater background. He is great, total and full of surprise. Especially in Scent of Woman, it's really amazing how he acted as a blind-ex-colonel with severe depresive disorder. He emphasized word at their own place and sometimes shouting out of nowhere. Also full with his famous "Whhoooaa!!", Pacino's original word.
Below I share some of the best scene captured from Justice for All and Scent of Woman. I named it "Out of Order I" speech and "Out of Order II" speech. Oh ya, here is some those movies!!