Monday, October 16, 2006
Actually there is nothing special for a couple of days that worth to be written about. But for me, everything is special, everything has their own interesting side. Coz "I am the king in this business, so..." haha

I just realize this couple of weeks, my impression of others is getting better and better. It's been a long time since I listen to it. Not because I'm superstitious or somethin, more coz It's never right. I tended to judge people far before I know them. It sounds ridiculous and girly haha, that's what happened. And more I did that, more guilt I felt. So I stopped...

Few days ago, I found rare occasion and start to do that again. know what, I was right. My gut feeling started to roll again. It feels real good when u re rite. Especially if it's a positive judgement. I'm not trying to be judgmental, it's just extraordinary satisfying.

The more I'm getting closer to the edge, the more good thing and feeling comes and say "u don't wanna do that, not now". I paid my due, time after time, I've done my sentence...but still a long way to be a champion

NB: we have the power, we re divine...but do they have guts to follow the sign? I do...and I don't give a fuck to whoever doubt me

posted by gerry at 7:33 PM

At Tue Oct 17, 04:34:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

everyone judge everyone else... its natural and came impulsively hehehe

just not everyone will admit to that...

i do judge people before i get to knoe them well but i stop it before its too far outta point since i knoe, my initial judgement will usually be wrong perception hahahaha

but i feel you ger... it sure feel good to knoe u did make a good judgement, especially if it involves somethin positive =)))


At Tue Oct 17, 07:43:00 AM, Blogger gerry

hehe..mizz haze mampir, online dini hari ya? puasa bozz? canda dink..

Tryin to make good ideas out of bad impression and also good impression out of bad ideas. David Hume was right. They re not the same.


At Tue Oct 17, 12:26:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

huahaahah iya kmrn mlm ga bisa tidur =D

tentang ur David Hume's sentences... hmm... making good outta bad?? kayanya orgnya yg optimistic in nature, practicing the benefit of the doubts and lookin at things from different angles yakz.

wish i can be like dat hahahahaha..


At Tue Oct 17, 02:59:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

hai bang gerry... =D pake wordpress enak loh..hehehehe... fleksibel banget.. hehehehe... tapi blon officially pindah sih.. masih pengen import posts gw di blogger dulu...