Saturday, October 07, 2006
Man, I should be given a medal for my sleep habit here...and still, 2 hours from now, will be at basketball court. I made a promise. Moga-moga aja si Adi ma yg laen ga ketiduran...bisa nangis gw kalo mereka ga ada di lapangan.

Gw beli buku tadi siang di Pyramid, kayanya cukup berisi. What are people thinkin actually? I really wanna know. Does Marxism still workin in this world? This book more likely tell about how - i call it - New Renaissance crush Marxism. One thing in my mind, is there any New Napoleon out there?

posted by gerry at 5:24 AM

At Sat Oct 07, 02:20:00 PM, Blogger -missPATHETIC-

kok ga ada tag board nya??
gambarnya ambil di internet..
tengkiyuw! btw,ganti leot jg?
kerenan yg kmaren pdhl.. x)
lama ga kabar??


At Mon Oct 09, 12:21:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

I think this is the book that u was drown into.No judge on you kay. Is "freedom" that a word you trying to find out?


At Mon Oct 09, 06:14:00 PM, Blogger gerry

mang sengaja dihilangin tagboard nya mith, ga tau mo tarok dimana and beberapa alasan laen haha

seriusan yg lama lbh bagus pada yg ini?? gw kirain yg baru skrg bagusan pada yg lama...

freedom? what is that? thare is no such thing as freedom...never was and never will haha but at least I'm tryin to break the chain