Friday, June 16, 2006
Inggris menang dengan gol yg lahir dari kaki pemain Inggris sendiri. Was a spectacular game. Gw udah tegang sekali karna Inggris terbentur terus dengan defense Trinidad. Kalau ada yang meremehkan Trinidad-Tobago, ohoho think again my friend. Dwight Yorke memang pantas jadi salah satu penyerang yag paling ditakuti di Inggris saat masih di Manchester United. Kalau bek Inggris bukan Rio Ferdianand atau John Terry, ga tau gw gimana skor akhirnya.

Gol tercipta menit 83 dan 89 kalau ga salah. Peter Crouch dan Steven Gerard jadi pahlawan. Man of the match? Kalau disuruh pilih, gw pilih David Beckham. Crossing-crossing nya berbahaya sekali sejak awal pertandingan. Kalau kepala Crouch dan Owen itu botak, udah banyak mungkin golnya. Gol pertama Crouch datang dari umpan crossing Beckham, dihajar sama kepala Crouch. Bek Trinidad yang entah namanya kasihan sekali karna dipanjat Crouch. 1-0 baby..trus beberapa menit kemudian Steven Gerard. Kalau yang familiar sama Kapten Liverpool ini, pasti tau kebiasaan gol Gerard. Gol ke dua datang dari tendangan tipical Gerard dari luar kotak penalti, keras dan terarah. Kiper Trinidad, Shaka Hislop yang maen bagus pertandingan sebelumnya hehe jadi bulan-bulanan tendangan Gerard. Kasihan..but for England, anything goes. Hajar.....!!!

Gw lagi buru-buru mo nyiapin koper karna dalam 2 jam sudah harus pergi ke airport KLIA, jadi ga bisa panjang-panjang bikin postingnya. Tul..tull gw pulang, pulaaaanggg!! Akhirnya...flaying home and good bye Malaysia, truly bullshit.

Mom and Dad, I am home. And honey...I am your for the whole months hehehe.

overweight ga ya?

berita terakhir tentang Inggris di Inggris maju ke 16 besar
posted by gerry at 2:03 AM 3 comments
Monday, June 12, 2006
I remember the first time I watched football was in Junior High School at 1998. The Final between Brazil and France was when I lost my virginity of football. With 3 - o winning France, I started to like this game and wondering why haven't I consider this sport as my favourite game to watch? I never watched or even played football before...I remember once when my dad asked me to accompany him watching AC Milan in 1993 and show it to me which one was Marco Van Basten. But I could never seen the beauty, at least after World Cup 1998.

Once I started to like football, I am unstoppable til now. Before World Cup 1998, I used to watch and play basketball as my main sport. I can mentioned all of the starting lineups on NBA Final for 5 consecutive years. Basketball which I always love is now accompanied by football. if I enjoy more when I play basketball, I will enjoy football more when I sit and watch. I learned football history faster than I learned basketball history. In High School, people were even crazier bout football, lot easier homework for me.

First Team:
After several weeks I decided to pick my favourite teams. Easy pick, since my father is a big fan of AC Milan, I thought family tradition must be passed through. Upon that time, AC Milan was a former Seri A Champion, which I put too much hope on them to be maintain their legacy once more. Comin short, It didn't happened really well. Another thoughts came and say that I need a back up team, if the other is not working out.

Second Team:
Manchester United was my next choice. Gained several triumphs with their young squad, I can't pick a better team for me. I loved how they played back then. Ryan Giggs, David Beckham, Japp Stam, Peter Schemichel, Dwight Yorke are some of the names which can't be forget ny Manchester United Fans. I bet no one will ever forget The Battle of Nou Camp, when Manchester United won then treble after defeating Bayern Munich [26 May 2006].

I've talked about my preference in World Cup on the last post. So, I won't bother to tell that again haha. I imagined how football will evolve through time. I wanna know what kind of stadium will they build, what kind of shoes and balls will they invent? What kind of rules will they comin up with? It's interesting to keep it up with it, as long in the future there will no possibility that I will watching football but have human on the field, which all had been computerised or even robotised. People say [translate directly from Bahasa Indonesia]:

The ball is round, you will never know
posted by gerry at 6:40 PM 1 comments
World Cup here, World Cup there, World Cup everywhere. And I am here everyday, wondering if I should watch or stay on my book for the coming exam on Tuesday. Anyway I just went to Bob’s, brought my lecture’s notes along with me. Like there will be Micro quiz at the halftime break [host by Adam Smith..haha]

Actually, there was a point to bring something that will be a distraction from the screen. Since the last 2 days match that I was watched are boring like hell. England – Paraguay: 1 – 0 and Serbia Montenegro – Netherlands : 0 – 1. What was that? I thought World Cup this year will be promising when I watched how Germany slaughtered Costa Rica 4 – 2 [not really a slaughter… quite surprised also bout Germany though]. I hope there will be no match for the coming match; I am expecting a battle here. Yes, a battle...not just 22 peoples that want to fulfill the country’s order to show up on the field. I am also expectin some shockers, like what Senegal did in World Cup 2002 in Japan. French ended up with not qualified for the next round, not even a single goal scored. Honestly, I was pretty amused.

I wanted to post something at the first day the World Cup started. I am overjoyed, but restricted by my internet connection here. Because for football lover, World Cup is like a ritual, when people will take a break or laying over a bit to watch the greatest sport event in the entire mankind civilization. It won’t be a surprise if the world will have slow economic activity for the next 1 month or NOT. I just realize, economic activity don’t just work from making profit or making loss, but also making luck. Once I read an article that World Cup 2002 had some billions of dollars money circulation, most of them comes from bet house like William Hill. Some people win, some people lose. Me? I like to enjoy my friend’s face, who pretty much will place a bet on that particular match. Priceless. [Erwin, this one for you Bro..]

For now and then, I would like to make a statement. With my football passion as a witness, I am announcing that for this year World Cup, I will take a shot with England and just England. Not like World Cup 2002 which I stood for both Italy and England. Honestly, it doesn’t make any sense to support Italy this year. Let’s compare these two teams:

England: (click here for England squad)
Fact and Comment:
- Starving with the title since 1966
- Full talent and experience, such as Steven Gerard, Frank Lampard, Rio Ferdinand, Gary Neville, Paul Robinson, Michael Owen and the Wonderkid Wayne Rooney
- David Beckham leadership as a captain has been proved (remember Euro 2004 vs Greece..)
- Deep squad. Wayne Bridge, Sol Campbell, David James and Stuart Downing could be ready anytime
- Lack of quality striker could be a problem. Michael Owen can't work alone, since Rooney still in doubtful condition
- England's coach, Sven Goran Erikkson has nothing to lose. He will be fired anyway, even if he won this WC.
- Premier League is one of the most respective league in the world. Guarantee of quality

Italy: (click here for the Italian squad)
- Controversy in Italian League may affect team morale.
- Lack of striker (They even have to bring Filippo Inzaghi along with the team..)
- Lack of winning character
- Catenaccio has no point, if there is no striker to score the lead.
- Expect too much from Fransesco Totti
- Not promising in friendly match
- History, as three time winners could be a whip
- Have the best defense in the world
- Marcello Lippi is a great coach with some triumph and legacy.

NB: This comment may contain some errors and bias.

Basically, I don't like how Italy play this day. I prefer an attacking team with ability to put defense as well, like England does. How about Brazil? hmmm...Brazil is the best team probably, but I hate them for dominating the tournament. France and Germany? Germany as the host have their own advantage and France....not even a chance.

to be continued..........
posted by gerry at 1:58 AM 1 comments
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Gw ngantuk banget skrg, udah jam 8 pagi en gw lom tidur sejak kemaren malamnya. Cuma mo melakukan pelepasa potig pertama di layout baru. Credit buat blogger templates, betul-betul luar biasa kreasi layout nya. Mulai sekarang kalo mo ganti layout, pasti gw nyari disana. Salut...saluutt!

Kenapa ganti layout? Karena Gerry The Grey kesannya seperti kuburan, jadi ada bagusnya juga ganti tampilan, walau masih didominasi warna hitam keliatan agak sedikit ada kehidupan hehe I'm still breathing here.

Yang bikin capek itu tukar2 HTML di sidebar nya. Walau gak terlalu sulit, cari tampilan yang cocok buat tarok dari profile, powered by sama RSS nya. Sekarang terpaksa tagboardnya gw hilangin dulu. Ga tau mau letak tau ahhh!! ngantukk!! Yang penting hutang posting seminggu terakhir sudah gw bayar, meski posting ga mutu macam ini.
posted by gerry at 8:06 AM 1 comments
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Karna ujian sudah makin dekat, kehidupan sehari-hari gw semakin jelas kelihatan. Semakin monoton, bukan hanya harus melahap bahan-bahan ujian nanti dan revision. Tapi juga pola makan, pola tidur, pola santai, pola browsing, pola belajar dan pola-pola lainnya.

Kalo dilihat dari pola makan dan pola tidur sih ga banyak berubah. Pola makan gw meski tetap ga teratur, jadi malah berkurang frekuensi nya. Gw baru siap makan 1 jam yang lalu, dan kemaren malam sama sekali ga makan. Catering gw ga datang, dan gw sudah terlampau kesal dan lapar untuk complain. Malah buang-buang tenaga ntar. Begitu juga dengan pola tidur, tetap seperti biasa...tidur dan bangun seenak jidat, masalahnya sekarang lebih parah. Gw kok ga bisa tidur seblum jam 5 pagi, meski bangun nya bisa kapan aja. Bisa jam 9, bisa jam 12, bisa jam 3. Moga-moga aja ini bukan gejala nervous menjelang ujian. Tapi bener kalo gw setiap ujian selalu nervous, selalu ketakutan, untung flu udah sembuh. Jadi pas ujian nanti ga perlu bawa-bawa tissue sekotak. Ngomong-ngomong soal flu, akhir-akhir ini Vicks Inhaler ga pernah lepas dari tangan gw. Hidung gw masih mencium bau-bau terbakar yg sebenarnya ga ada, meski ga separah 2 minggu lalu. Vicks Inhaler...jangan habis dulu buddy, I need u to stay right beside me now hehe

Pola browsing yang kentara perubahannya. Blogwalking sudah jarang sekali, meski terus diusahakan. Biasanya blogwalking 20 blog tiap hari, sekarang 5 aja udah bagus. Untuk 2 minggu ke depan gw cuma bisa browsing wajib [bukan mandi wajib...] dan beberapa website tambahan karna ujian. Such as:

Yahoo / detik / CNN / Kompas / NBA / Enda's Blog / Priyadi's Place / My own blog / Blogfam / Technorati / Oggix /Google News / Blogger / Monash University / WebCT [2 terakhir ini buat ujian..]

Website yang harus menunggu:
w3schools / Friendster / Babaflash / Engadget / Blogwalking itu sendiri / Crimelibrary / Rottentomates / Wikipedia / Delicious / / Kaskus / AC Milan / Deviantart / dan beberapa website yang akan terlalu vulgar untuk disebutkan [sementara waktu puasa..]

Bagaimana dengan pola belajar? hahaha gw ga pernah merasa sibuk belajar sebelum dekat ujian. Dan sekarang lah saatnya buat sibuk, meski diselingi dengan NBA Live 2006 di PS2 gw, gw blajar kok. Surprising even for me. Wish me luck, I really need that.

Jadwal ujian gw agak menyenangkan semester ini, ga terlalu ketat. cepat2 siap. Hustle..hustle.

Unit Code Reference Exam date Exam Start time Seat
Exam Duration Venue Unit Title




08:30 AM

03:00 hours






08:30 AM

03:00 hours






08:30 AM

03:00 hours






08:30 AM

03:00 hours



posted by gerry at 4:10 PM 1 comments

Celebrating the World No Tobacco Day 2006 in May 31, 2006, we
--concerned weblog writers-- would like to remind us all about
the danger of tobacco.

1. Reminding us all that tobacco is DEADLY IN ANY FORM.
Cigarettes, pipes, bidies, kreteks, clove cigarettes, snus,
snuff, smokeless, cigars, they are all deadly.

2. Reminding us all that tobacco in all types and names and
flavors are deadly alike. Tobacco is DEADLY IN ANY DISGUISE.
Mild, light, low tar, full flavour, fruit flavoured, chocolate
flavoured, natural, additive-free, organic cigarettes, PREPS
(Potentially Reduced-Exposure Products), harm-reduced... they
are all deadly. Those kinds of labelling doesn't show the
products are any less dangerous.

3. Demanding the Government of Republic of Indonesia to ratify
the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) as
soon as possible, for the health of future generation.
Indonesia is the only country in Asia that is still not in the

Internet, May 31, 2006

The Undersigned,

- Gerry -


Apparently yesterday was World No Tobacco Day. I have no idea, until I visited Priyadi's Place. Supporting is never hurt, since I think it will give me some "little" time to quit. Heavy smoker? Yes, I am. And I never know till someone told me so.

Okay, let's talk about it. I am supporting World No Tobacco Day, not because of it's deadly mean or whatever hazardous. Tobacco is dangerous for your health, yes I admit it. But for concerning about this things like it is the only killing instrument in this civilization. There are so much things that can bring you 5-feet under, buddy. People are wasting their time worrying about particular issue, and then forget about the main factor for us being killed every single day. What is the factor? No,'s THE Factor. It's ourselves, human.

The enemy of human race is theirselves and their fuckin brain. Not Tobacco, Not AIDS, Not Drugs, Nothin but Ourselves. Whose idea is it to roll tobacco, light it and suck it? Not the tobacco. Whose fault that we are now have to deal with skin cancer? Not the sun, it's our fault invented car, refrigerator and pollute the air and water.

Lets's get back to World No Tobacco Day Campaign. I am completely agree about it, no question out of it. Tobacco may ruin my life someday, I always try to quit but never work till now. Additional smoker or tobacco user might make it even harder for me to quit.

I am a quite crazy smoker and absolutely not proud about it.

NB: I talk about no tobacco, no smoking...isn't ironical?

Called for action? Get ur own
posted by gerry at 4:23 AM 1 comments