Monday, February 27, 2006
Manchester United was in fabulous performance last night. I seemed that they should never had problem in Premiership anyway (but that's not the fact..isn't?). Carling Cup 2006 put Manchester United and Wigan Athletic on the Final Stage. Manchester which just had lost because the horrible broken leg and mislocated ankle by Alan Smit, looked very enthusiastic snce the begining of the match. Keep the possesion all the time, even so the play was not really fast like United always used to be. I dont know, maybe they didn't want to be careless until they got in the game.

Rooney started the winning by scored in 33th minute. His skill as a striker, my God, undoubtful despite his young age. I can't believe that he is still in my age. I can't even kick properly til this moment hahaha. After the half time, Louis Saha, Ronaldo and again Wayne Rooney pull everything off. This is the first title for Manchester United for this season and I am certainly sure as the only title. Sorry for all Man United fans, no one can stop Chelsea for being the champion for Premiership this season. Gary Neville became the captain that night and probably the first title for him as a captain. Wayne Rooney, should I mention this?, was the man of the match for being the inspiration and the "panzer" of his team. No one in that match that ran as much as he was, incredible.

Maybe some of the fans would be curious, about the T-shirt that they wore after the match. It said "For you smudge", and every United's player use it in the ceremony. It was for Alan Smith, which have broken leg, because they want Alan Smith also there with them. Great solidarity, great performance, great team and be better next season. Viva Manchester United.

The Carling Cup 2006 conclude here and here:

Manchester United (1) 4
Wigan Athletic (0) 0 FT

Rooney 33, 61Saha 55Ronaldo 59

CC, Kick-off: 15: 00

Att: 66866
posted by gerry at 1:36 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Seiring berkembangnya blogging service dan juga web langguage tutor, seperti w3school, perkembangan website dan webblog, baik yang berorientasi profit atau non-profit, semakin cepat dan meluas. Kini bukan hanya para saudara-saudara kita yang belajar pemograman saja yang bisa buat blog atau website, yang tidak mengerti HTML sama sekali saja sudah bisa nge-post di blog yang sederhana. Tapi sama seperti membuat skripsi atau research, setiap penulis blog atau website harus mengerti aturan-aturan yang ada.

Pernah bikin PR tapi nyontek punya teman? atau dibikinin prakarya sama mama...trus bilang ke guru kalau ini karya sendiri? That's just an simple example. Soal PR atau prakarya ga usah dibahas, soalnya gw jg sering nyontek PR haha. Ingat soal kontroversi tuduhan penjiplakan yang dilakukan oleh Ahmad Dhani, dari Dewa 19? Ntah judul album, judul lagu atau sebagian lirik lagu...di "copy-paste" dari karya Khalil Gibran. Nah...contoh diatas juga diterapkan oleh beberapa netter, "copy-paste" selain cepat, juga ga perlu mikir2 bikin bahasa sendiri. Cukup block tulisan, klik kanan ==> copy, truz ke halaman tujuan, klik kanan lagi ==> paste. Menurut gw - meski tetap aja ga kreatif - copy-paste sudah lumrah sekali dilakukan, tapi mohon dengan cara yang benar. At least you do wrong things right.

Sama seperti menyusun daftar pustaka setelah halaman isi sebuah buku, hasil "copy-paste" juga harus menyertakan resource link yang menyatakan kita memberi kredit atas kontribusi atau informasi yang telah kita "copy-paste". Untuk beberapa informasi atau tulisan, kita bahkan harus minta ijin terlebih dahulu kepada sang penulis, apakah kita boleh untuk mempergunakan tulisannya atau karyanya. Publik sebagai "information consumer" harus tahu darimana informasi yang didapat berasal.

Blogger JAF (Just Another Fool) telah meneriakkan batasan2 dalam postingannya yang berjudul "Jangan Asal Copy-Paste"untuk meng-copy paste dalam sebuah blog atau artikel online, entah itu berupa tulisan, desain, dan sebagainya yang bisa dikategorikan jiplak abis. Bukan untuk pamer atau gagah-gagah an, tapi ketidaktahuan akan menimbulkan kesalah pahaman. Kata kunci dari "Jangan Asal Copy-Paste" bukan "Copy-Paste" nya, tapi "Jangan Asal". Menurut pemahaman gw sih, copy-paste sih sah2 aja, asal tidak ada pihak yang merasa dirugikan dengan aksi tersebut. Baik penulis informasi dan juga konsumen atas informasi itu sendiri. Disinilah letak pentingnya link balik ke informasi asal dan recognizion atas karya orang lain tersebut. Contoh: letaklah gw sudah copy-paste atas banner milik Bang JAF diatas, tapi gw juga tulis dari mana gambar tersebut gw dapat, silakan klik link yang tersedia di sekitarnya.

Secara ndak langsung teriakan bang JAF juga seperti mendukung Creative Common yang sedang gencar akhir2 ini. Kapan yah ada Creative Common Indonesia, seperti Creative Commons Malaysia, biar orang Indonesia lebih mengerti tentang Creative Common yang agak berbeda dalam copyright law ini. Gw jg blom ngerti nih, ntar kalo dah ngerti gw posting lagi deh.
posted by gerry at 6:12 PM 1 comments
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Sebenarnya gw jarang banget posting tentang personal feeling, terutama yang berhubungan dengan yang sentimentil dan mendayu-dayu...I hate it. Tapi sekali ini sudah ga tertahan lagi, udah sesak tau mau "muntah" ke siapa. Dengan sedikit berat hati terpaksa blog gw jadi innocent victim.

Gw kangen banget sekarang ma cew gw, Vera. The greatest woman that I ever met. Manusia unik yang mau ngerti sesosok manusia lainnya kaya gw ini. Gw kangen kalo dia lagi ngambek, seru ngerayu nya. Gw kangen pas dia panggil gw "teletubbies" (meski sampai sekarang gw ga tau gw yang mana...ntah Lala, Po, ato apa yg laen gw lupa...). Pernah liat pantai? Selama 3 tahun terakhir gw ga pernah ke pantai kalo ga ada dia. Kami pencinta pantai sejati. Dibela-belain bangun jam 6 pagi, tancap gas ke rumanya truz ke pantai. Disana bisa lama banget ampe capek.

Rasanya libur gw kok pendek bgt ya. Maybe I said I leave her without regret coz of the good time we had. But still.....I miss her a lot, every single shine of the sun...coz I know I was enjoying some of the first shine with her.

Gw nelp dia tadi, great to hear her voice. Ga pernah serius...adanya becanda truz ampe salah satu sebel. I know she think that I don't love her much, especially when we are far apart. I know deep in her heart, she doubt me a lot. But I can't say anything, not to say something that make us fell uncomfortable coz of the distance. Jadi rasa bersalah yang ada...makanya tadi gw sms dia ampe 800 huruf...gila, pertama kalinya sms sepanjang it [hp baru ceritanya...hehe]. Gw pengen bilang berapa besar arti dia buat gw. Gw tau dia pasti dah tidur, dan ada kemungkinan dia marah2 karna terbangun ma sms yg gw kirim. Sedangkan dia ga bisa tidur lagi....mana besok ada kelas. Pasti begitu. Tapi mau gimana lagi, gw cuma mu dia tau aja...

Mungkin cuma posting pendek sekedarnya, ditambah embel2 yg sentimentil. But I feel much better now. I don't care

NB: Deja_Vu, rasanya gw pernah nulis sesuatu kaya gini. Bisa ga yah Deja_Vu dijelaskan? Kadang penasaran.....
posted by gerry at 3:30 AM 4 comments
Monday, February 20, 2006
Up until now, my personal judgement about free speech can be approved still around "the fact that should be announced", even if it can be outstretched to "opinion that accountable to all aspect or element that involved in it". But I am wrong, misjudging about free speech lead the to "any word/idea, but nothing". It won't matter anymore if any caustic remarks that released can aggravate someone, some religions, some races, some parties, etc. Unavoidable that media are claimed to provide unlimited information to the society. But if media hope that all the subjects are all steel-hearted, they will face bad consequences.

There were, there are, and will never such thing as absolute freedom in any type of system. Even United States of America, which always exaggerate about independent world, has done few things to limit any movement that seems to threat their "national security", including art, journalistic, dll.

Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy is an absolute mistake that not necessary to happened, more over it also can burn up hatred between two side with no reason at all. Should free speech justify some people to mock some others, or even insult for worldwide's information? Create dissent over media's rating? Are you insane?

The protest from all over the world regarding Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy, which I myself fell really sorry to the violence that happened on some parts of the world, is a normal reaction. What kind of expectation do people want from the Moslem? Do the media want the Moslem just stay read the paper and expect them to laugh over it? Sarcastic joke over sensitive issues -like religon - are NOT a joke.

Now, everyone can feel the heat of the controversy. Should we throw oil on the flame? Should we worsen it up, like this one ==> Italian Quits Over Cartoons; 15 Die in Nigeria

I quote from New York Times:
The protesters in Libya, angry over the minister's T-shirt, had stormed an Italian Consulate in Benghazi on Friday and were fired on by Libyan soldiers. Here in Italy, critics of Roberto Calderoli, the reforms minister who showed off his T-shirt on television earlier this week, blamed him for the violence — and even his own political allies, including Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, demanded his resignation.
"In these last days I expressed in my way solidarity with all those who have been struck by the blind violence of religious fanaticism," he said in a statement that referred to an Italian priest killed this month in Turkey by a Muslim who was reportedly angry over the cartoons. "But it was never my intention to offend the Muslim religion nor to be the pretext for the violence of yesterday," he said.

I am not really a religious man, but I know what kind of humiliating the Moslem felt. That kind of idiotic action statement from Roberto Calderoli should never happened again. There just enough dissent and anger to deal with, without irresponsible action like that.

This article do not discuss any religion issues, nor political issues. The purpose is just to show how some people do not respect on others' behalf could have great effect and have potential violent. If peace what we are looking for, with this "disturbance" there will be no peace ever. Every human being will protect everything that important to them at any cost, and when the indomitable heart can't be broken, understanding should be shown.
posted by gerry at 1:59 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Setelah kerja keras selama 2 hari, kamar gw kembali menjadi tempat "layak huni". 3 gaya pembersihan udah dikerahkan: 1. Buang yg ga berguna, terutama yang nangkring seenaknya tanpa tujuan 2. Lap sampai bisa ngaca diatasnya 3. Susun ulang semua (kalo susun buku, komik harus paling atas hehe). Cukup sekian kesombongan atas achievement gw ini, keadaan kaya gini juga ga bakal tahan lama. Moga2...aminnn.

Bob, my bro datang dengan mantap ke kamar gw tadi jam 11. Gw ga pake acara minder lagi haha langsung gw tawarin kacang plus green tea. Karna dukungan atmosfir kamar yg udah mulus, jadi cepet abis suguhannya. Soalnya aroma kacang en green tea nya ga di-interupsi ma bau baju kotor gw lagi, atau bantal gw yg blom dicuci haha. Ngobrol ngalur ngidul, akhirnya ngomongin cew masing2. Kalo gw sih happy2 aja, tp Bob mood nya lagi ga baek2 banget...langsung cerita panjang lebar. Meski gw bukan good advisor, but I am really a good listener (termasuk ngupink..).

Yg panjang jadi pendek, Bob selesai ngomong kira2 sejam stengah kemudian. Gw guncang juga sedikit karna keluh kesahnya tadi..dalam hati "ada juga orang berpikiran sama ma gw yah...kirain gw aja yg aneh". Intinya yg ketangkap pemancar telinga, kalo cara pikiran pria dan wanita itu berbeda sama sekali. Sebenarnya kalo menurut logika, ga ada deh yang namanya menyatukan pria dan wanita dalam satu ikatan, soalnya mereka sudah lain sama sekali. Bukan menyamakan dengan binatang, tp antara pria dan wanita, mereka memiliki insting yg berbeda. Ini bawaan lahir, bukan hasil learning from society.

Penasaran...penasaran, gw cari di Google kalo2 ada pembahasannya. Optimis ketemu, cuma dalam satu keyword dapat hasilnya. Klik disini

Filosofi yang menarik dan hampir semuanya betul. Yang menarik contohnya:
To women, love is an occupation. To men, a preoccupation. To be happy with a man you must understand him a lot and love him a little. To be happy with a woman you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all

Kalau semua yang di filosofi ini benar, ga mungkin pria dan wanita itu satu hati. Tp ga mungkinlah ini dijadikan patokan mutlak, terutama dengan ada nya pengertian yang mendalam antara kedua nya. It's not an intersection, just a highway full with signs.
posted by gerry at 1:56 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 18, 2006
(*) I look a round I fly to find

A space to lay my head upon (2x)

Aku bagai buih di laut biru

Tersapu ombak terhempas badai

Aku bagai debu di padang pasir

Terseret angin terbakar panas

Reff :
Tolonglah Tuhan beri petunjukMu

Jalan yang benar menuju jalanMU

Agar tak tersesat di persimpangan jalan

Kembali ke (*)

Aku bagai bintang di gelap malam

Diantara seribu bintang

Terdampar di puing jagad raya

Terkapar lelah tak berdaya

Ku menangis, kutertawa

Semua tak bisa di hindari

Kembali ke : Reff

Tolonglah Tuhan beri petunjukMu

Jalan yang benar menuju jalanMU

Agar tak tersesat di persimpangan jalan


Pilihan dan keputusan, saling bercinta
Siapakah pasangan?
Dia melemparmu nanti
Terdampar di ujung dunia
Yang Mana...??
( Gerry )
posted by gerry at 4:57 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 17, 2006
Udah 2 hari sejak gw datang ke Malaysia...everithin goin smooth about all the fu**** payment. Now, it's time to relax. Sebenarnya accident lagi ke Pyramid mau bikin kacamata ( yg lama jelas, gara2 bersih2 kmaren..). Trus diajakin Tutur nonton Deddy Cobuzier di Magical Theatre Restaurant.

Bagi yang ga tau Deddy, jelas loe bukan orang Indonesia. Ciri2 tetap sama: Ghotic make-up, rambut kaisar Ming Dynasty, eye-catching for sure. Acara mulai jam 8.30, nikmati suasana dulu....tempat ok, meski kelewat gelap (biar horor...), makanan and minuman GREAT!!, tp mayan makan dompet. Gw minum kelapa rasa capucinno, atau capucinno rasa kelapa...pokoknya mantafff.

Sekitar 8.30 Deddy masuk pentas, ga pake lama langsung perform. Surprisingly, his English was good, malah lontarin joke2 gitu. Om Deddy ini langsung aja nebak2 gitu ke arah penonton, 95% correct. Yang bikin agak sebel, pas gw harusnya diajak participate....ditunggu-tunggu malah gak manggil, kata Tutur sih genderuwo gw kuat jg magic nya, ga mempan.

Ga lama jg sih Deddy on the stage, trus gantian ama pesulap Malaysia. Ada satu yang jayus banget, mo ng-joke ga nyampe...penonton malah uring2 an. Ada lagi yg make topi pesulap gitu, ntah sapa namanya (kalo ga salah Kevin...kecil org nya), goyang2 ma lagu Michael Jackson gitu..fair enough. Pokoknya Deddy lah yg paling OK performnya, gmana ngga? Impor langsung dari Indonesia, bonus rambutnya yang ngga pernah ganti model...

Nearly end of show, karna gw mo pegi nonton jam 11.30 nya, balik dulu ke Condo. Tp ga seru kalo ga jepret2 bareng Om Deddy Cobuzier, dengan sedikit kolusi dan nepotisme....akhirnya bisa foto bareng, rugi, check some of them...

posted by gerry at 10:36 PM 0 comments