Monday, February 20, 2006
Up until now, my personal judgement about free speech can be approved still around "the fact that should be announced", even if it can be outstretched to "opinion that accountable to all aspect or element that involved in it". But I am wrong, misjudging about free speech lead the to "any word/idea, but nothing". It won't matter anymore if any caustic remarks that released can aggravate someone, some religions, some races, some parties, etc. Unavoidable that media are claimed to provide unlimited information to the society. But if media hope that all the subjects are all steel-hearted, they will face bad consequences.

There were, there are, and will never such thing as absolute freedom in any type of system. Even United States of America, which always exaggerate about independent world, has done few things to limit any movement that seems to threat their "national security", including art, journalistic, dll.

Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy is an absolute mistake that not necessary to happened, more over it also can burn up hatred between two side with no reason at all. Should free speech justify some people to mock some others, or even insult for worldwide's information? Create dissent over media's rating? Are you insane?

The protest from all over the world regarding Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy, which I myself fell really sorry to the violence that happened on some parts of the world, is a normal reaction. What kind of expectation do people want from the Moslem? Do the media want the Moslem just stay read the paper and expect them to laugh over it? Sarcastic joke over sensitive issues -like religon - are NOT a joke.

Now, everyone can feel the heat of the controversy. Should we throw oil on the flame? Should we worsen it up, like this one ==> Italian Quits Over Cartoons; 15 Die in Nigeria

I quote from New York Times:
The protesters in Libya, angry over the minister's T-shirt, had stormed an Italian Consulate in Benghazi on Friday and were fired on by Libyan soldiers. Here in Italy, critics of Roberto Calderoli, the reforms minister who showed off his T-shirt on television earlier this week, blamed him for the violence — and even his own political allies, including Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, demanded his resignation.
"In these last days I expressed in my way solidarity with all those who have been struck by the blind violence of religious fanaticism," he said in a statement that referred to an Italian priest killed this month in Turkey by a Muslim who was reportedly angry over the cartoons. "But it was never my intention to offend the Muslim religion nor to be the pretext for the violence of yesterday," he said.

I am not really a religious man, but I know what kind of humiliating the Moslem felt. That kind of idiotic action statement from Roberto Calderoli should never happened again. There just enough dissent and anger to deal with, without irresponsible action like that.

This article do not discuss any religion issues, nor political issues. The purpose is just to show how some people do not respect on others' behalf could have great effect and have potential violent. If peace what we are looking for, with this "disturbance" there will be no peace ever. Every human being will protect everything that important to them at any cost, and when the indomitable heart can't be broken, understanding should be shown.
posted by gerry at 1:59 AM