Sunday, September 03, 2006
Fiuhh...udah 21 tahun aja umur gw hari ini. Di umur sekarang ini, Mozart, Newton, Bill Gates dan Warren Buffet udah jadi orang besar. Sedangkan gw? gw masih tetap jalan di tempat menikmati yang namanya kuliah, ngabisin duit ortu dan ketawa-ketawa menjalani hidup.

Have a nice dinner night yesterday, there was 8 of us. Not a bunch of people like last year, but that was nice. I was hoping that turning 21 will not be a big deal for me (which I always afraid of..). We went to Coca Restaurant at Pyramid, which I found really nice place and went for a lot of talk last night, I mean Our Talk (which will never be understood for some other people..haha).

Thanks to Bob, Tutur, RIchie, Onny, Laura, Celly and Yonk2. Turning 21 will be very hard, without you guys. Anyway they also told me that birthday treat before the actual birthday will bring a bad luck, haha thanks but I don't really care.

My girlfriend forgot my birthday, and she made up already (with tons of apologize, coz she thought my b-day will be at 9th Sept hehe). Love her and no matter what happened, she is more precious than a stupid birthday.

All I care that I am 21 this very day, I have everyone precious surround me (parents and friends) and also a lovely life. Thanks to God with his permission to stay here a little longer.

but still, 21?? aaarrrggggghhh...........

NB: lupa bawa kamera digital ada poto2 nya deh
posted by gerry at 11:01 AM

At Mon Sep 04, 04:55:00 PM, Blogger farahPutri

Hepy bday!!

gemana ger rasanya kehilangan angka 1 di depan umur loe dan nambah 1 angka lagi di belakang umur loe??


semangka!jadilah orang yang lebih baek, rajin2 ye di malay..jangan lupa makan duren..huehehehe..


At Mon Sep 04, 11:16:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

happy belated birthday gerr!!!

weleh ternyata ultah kita hanya beda sejengkal hihi...

all the best ya for the whole new year!!


At Tue Sep 05, 01:39:00 PM, Blogger diandra_diandra

heiy.. saya cuma lebih tua satu hari dari kamu :))
Happy b'lated birthday ya :)


At Tue Sep 05, 04:28:00 PM, Blogger gerry

rasanya? aaarrggghhhh.......*tidur rite away*

@haze and @diandra
wah deket2 yah ultah kita...happy belated b-day buat haze (4 Sept) and diandra (2 sept)