Saturday, August 26, 2006
What is hypocrisy? and why people tend to let themselves to be one, but deny it. What kind of situation will hiprocrisy will be suited best ? In order to be a better world, is it necessary to be a hypocryte? By reviewing in certain way, I declare myself as a hypocrite.

Hypocrite is a person who act differently with their own beliefs. For what I've seen and felt, people are not robot, which had been set to do particular things for any particular situation. In some way, human tend to amuse or satisfy what had publicly approved.

Just for an example:
" 4 people are going together to see a carnival, 3 of them are more likely to ride jet coaster. To satisfy the others and avoid unnecessary argument, the last person will try to forget to go for merry-go-round and join the others."

The foundation of civilizations were base on the ability to question any issues which felt not true or need to be reviewed.

Let's forget about civilization and join me in our daily life. Have you lie to others? or at least you lie for the sake of others? or you save your opinion for the sake of others? Some of them are called liar and others are called tolerant person. I am a big liar and also a tolerant person. The difference between these two are:

  • Liar cannot be helped
  • Tolerant person is not helping
  • Liar tend to save their own ass
  • Tolerant person tend to save others, at least not hurt others

Beside pile of assignments (all due this week), which prevent me from blogging, even blogwalking. The last few days were quite rough for me and some of it pull me to the edge. This quite personal which I won't describe it here, but I've made decisions for the sake of myself.

I'll stop being tolerant, both in daily life and in blogosphere.

Blogging Manifesto:
1. fully use my right to write as blogger to express my feeling, personally or as member of society.
2. criticize respectfully anything with my own standard of value.
3. responsible with anything I've said publicly
4. appriciate any comment and critic which told in decent manner
5. pay more attention to others property of rights (ex: link )

NB: I'm just few more steps to be exploded and I'm happy. To be a people's person is a weakness
posted by gerry at 7:20 PM

At Sun Aug 27, 04:36:00 PM, Blogger farahPutri

Ger, berubah halauan nih?apa selama belajar di Malay loe berubah jadi serius?lol

Tapi,gw suka kok!keep it up!p


At Sun Aug 27, 05:04:00 PM, Blogger gerry

haha gw mana pernah serius. gw cuma mo ubah bentuk penulisan gw jadi lebih kritis, lebih dalam, lebih argumentative, dan mengurangi naratif kalo bisa hehe

beberapa hari ini byk shocking moment yg bikin gw mau sedikit berubah. Ntar kalo malah jadi ga bener ato aneh bilang2 yah hehehe