Tadi maen WE sama si Richie sampai jam 2. Tiap bentar di "pause" karna dia mo balas sms dari cew nya katanya. "Ini terakhir...soalnya dia dah mo tidur hehe sabar...". Kadang bete jg kalo lagi semangat-smangat maen gitu di "pause" tapi ya udah lah, namanya jg jauh karna cew nya lg libur di Indo. Pas dia ngetik-ngetik sms gitu, tiba-tiba dia nanya gitu "Lo ga kangen ma cew loe? kok ga ada sms?". Trus gw seenaknya aja jawab,"Udah kok tadi sebelum pergi makan...". Padahal gw tau pasti sms gw ma cew gw itu lagi gantung hehe tp tadi yg laen pada ngumpul disini abis makan, jadi lupa deh balas2 sms. Tapi guess what? gw kepikiran lho sama pertanyaan simple begitu,"Do I miss her?". "Kok gw ga kaya yg laen yah? Sms2 an trus dari siang sampai malam?". Gw tau pasti kalo gw kangen trus ma cew gw, gw malah kadang ga tahan trus beli pulsa banyak2 dan dihabisin dalam waktu kurang lebih 2 jam buat nelpon ke Indo. Jujur gw sedih banget denger si Richie nanya gitu ke gw, apa sayang gw ga cukup besar kaya orang lain? Ahhhh....langsung gw buang jauh2 perasaan kaya gitu. Jawabannya cuma satu, gw suka sebel kalo sms...sms itu buang2 waktu kadang2, en gw lebih prefer telpon langsung ke Indo. Memang sih rada-rada boros jadinya, but have u ever feel that u need to hear her voice so badly? or just want to hear she said "hello.." or "love u"? I did it all the time, tapi kalo perasaan diturutin gw bisa ga makan disini. Yang namanya international call tetap aja mahal. Andai saja cew gw punya komp sendiri di kos an-nya, gw bisa chatting trus tiap hari pake MSN atau YM (in real time..). Kadang gw mau bilang terus terang kalo gw ga kuat terus-terus an kaya gini, kuliah and stuff. Gw maunya tiap bulan itu liburan semester, tiap hari gw bisa ke rumahnya di Padang, tiap hari makan durian dan tiap hari pergi ke pantai ma dia. But how should I do that? I don't have enough courage to tell that I can't run smoothly without her. Might sound a little bit freaked out about this relationship, but hope she truly understand how I feel with all my "do not care" acting. I defend myself from any particular situation that I know that I will not comfortable with. It's not like that...really not.
I will be there and you?
Rest in here
Waiting wondering
would it be that way?
would it be a highway?
would you stay that way?
rememberin me
say that you proud for me
coz I know
I will be right here
waiting and stop wonderin
Call it a day
waitin wonderin
stil it be that way?
still it be a highway?
still you stay that way?
embracin me
say you wouldn't let go
coz I know
I will be right there
waitin and pass the option
by gerry
slanjutnya sih chorus harusnya tapi gw lupa, ntar kalo dah ingat gw tulis lg deh.
Rest in here
Waiting wondering
would it be that way?
would it be a highway?
would you stay that way?
rememberin me
say that you proud for me
coz I know
I will be right here
waiting and stop wonderin
Call it a day
waitin wonderin
stil it be that way?
still it be a highway?
still you stay that way?
embracin me
say you wouldn't let go
coz I know
I will be right there
waitin and pass the option
by gerry
slanjutnya sih chorus harusnya tapi gw lupa, ntar kalo dah ingat gw tulis lg deh.
NB: Tidooorrr...kayanya gw kelewat ngantuk, jadi nulis yg aneh2. Sorry..no comments space provided