hikss...lagi kangen-kangennya nih ma cew gw. Memang kalo minggu pertama itu paling berat. Apalagi kalo liat temen gw yg cew nya pada disini. Sedangkan gw harus nunggu setahun dari sekarang lagi buat ketemu. Tadi doi nelp, bilang kalo dia dah bisa terima gw yang balik ke Malay lebih cepat dari biasanya. "Belajar yg rajin ya syg..." hehe ya deeehhh..agak tenang jg gw, kalo dia udah bisa ga terlalu kangen ma gw.
Tapi selain di sayang2 in, gw jg diomelin. Soalnya seminggu lalu gw disuruh nanya ma Ganda (adek gw) tentang buku tahunan SMU Don Bosco yg dipinjam dari Sari, adek nya cew gw. Kebetulan mereka jg satu angkatan. Tapi yg dasarnya gw lupa-lupa terus, ga jadi-jadi deh nanya nya huehehe ntar gw tanyain deh...janji
Lagi dengar lagu Disturbed, judul nya I'm Alive. Meski lagunya gedebak-gedebuk, gw ngerti isi lagu ini. Intinya tentang orang yg ga mau kehilangan sesuatu yg berharga, karna sesuatu itu bikin dia bertahan hidup. Jadi ingat loe lg, syg. Grrrrr......
Nih lyric-nya:
"I'm Alive"
Never again will I be dishonored
And never again will I be reminded
Of living within the world of the jaded
They kill inspiration
It's my obligation
To never again, allow this to happen
Where do I begin?
The choices are endless
Denying the sin
My art, my redemption
I carry the torch of my fathers before me
The thing I treasure most in life cannot be taken away
There will never be a reason why I will surrender to your advice
To change myself, I'd rather die
Though they will not understand
I will make the greatest sacrifice
You can't predict where the outcome lies
You'll never take me alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
Change again, cannot be considered
I rage again, dispelling my anger
Where do I begin?
The choices are endless
My art, my redemption, my only salvation
I carry the gift that I have been blessed with
My soul is adrift in oceans of madness
Repairing the rift that you have created
I am not alone, brothers, give me your arms now
The thing I treasure most in life cannot be taken away
There will never be a reason why I will surrender to your advice
To change myself, I'd rather die
Though they will not understand
I will make the greatest sacrifice
You can't predict where the outcome lies
You'll never take me alive
I'm no slave
Are you feeling brave?
Or have you gone out of your mind?
No more games
It won't feel the same
If I hold my anger inside
There's no meaning
My soul is bleeding
I've had enough of your kind
One suggestion, use your discretion
Before you label me blind
The thing I treasure most in life cannot be taken away
There will never be a reason why I will surrender to your advice
To change myself, I'd rather die
Though they will not understand
I will make the greatest sacrifice
You can't predict where the outcome lies
You'll never take me alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
by: Disturbed
Never again will I be dishonored
And never again will I be reminded
Of living within the world of the jaded
They kill inspiration
It's my obligation
To never again, allow this to happen
Where do I begin?
The choices are endless
Denying the sin
My art, my redemption
I carry the torch of my fathers before me
The thing I treasure most in life cannot be taken away
There will never be a reason why I will surrender to your advice
To change myself, I'd rather die
Though they will not understand
I will make the greatest sacrifice
You can't predict where the outcome lies
You'll never take me alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
Change again, cannot be considered
I rage again, dispelling my anger
Where do I begin?
The choices are endless
My art, my redemption, my only salvation
I carry the gift that I have been blessed with
My soul is adrift in oceans of madness
Repairing the rift that you have created
I am not alone, brothers, give me your arms now
The thing I treasure most in life cannot be taken away
There will never be a reason why I will surrender to your advice
To change myself, I'd rather die
Though they will not understand
I will make the greatest sacrifice
You can't predict where the outcome lies
You'll never take me alive
I'm no slave
Are you feeling brave?
Or have you gone out of your mind?
No more games
It won't feel the same
If I hold my anger inside
There's no meaning
My soul is bleeding
I've had enough of your kind
One suggestion, use your discretion
Before you label me blind
The thing I treasure most in life cannot be taken away
There will never be a reason why I will surrender to your advice
To change myself, I'd rather die
Though they will not understand
I will make the greatest sacrifice
You can't predict where the outcome lies
You'll never take me alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
by: Disturbed