Friday, August 11, 2006
I should say, beside the vast casualties and innocent victims of the war (which I send my admiration to your bravery and also for your unfortunate events), the war itself is wuite amuse me. At first I saw a war as a full of crap, as full of nonsense. Killing each other for no reason. But why it is different now?

The fundamental of war itself that I found it really interesting. What is the fundamental of war which could cause severe destruction for one another? It is a obsession to gain something from war, from the war itself. Who will gain what? It depends on who involved on the war. It could be some people they called "terrorist" or some people called themselves "liberator". Why did you think that Cold War never went to the Open War? It's because they know that they cannot gain anything from it, but damaging thenselves economically and structurally unnecessary.

Let's get back to the main subject, the amusement and satisfaction that I get from the war. It's not the casualties, it's not the destruction, it's not the bloodbath, nor the demontration of weaponry. It's one thing only and always will, it's the media. Media which they said as an information tools, educational purposes and all the positive things base on freedom of speech. *Puicchh....* Like Fascist time in German history, the media is starting (again) to be a campaign purpose, especially for propaganda. Like I always read in some newspapers that some countries exxagerate the ongoing war by blaming the nuclear weapon that had by a countries. It's usually goes like

we really worry about the nuclear weapon that can disrupt the worldpeace and humanity

To hell with their "world peace" talks, it's nothing like that. The correct statement will go like this

The country which have a nuclear weapon will be a threat to us. The UN which (always be) soft to us will never interrupt our involvment to the war. What we try to say here that threat to our nation will be destroyed into a big pile of rubble.

Manipulate the media means manipulate the perception of society. These wars are covered up by foolish fanaticism to their own nation. Fanatism is the reflection of how vulnerable they are from outside invader, even for their own belief. Nationalism and fanatism are not too far away, my history teacher taught me that. And I will keep laughing for the sake of never ending foolishness and idiotricy.

*read and watch before you think, not otherwise*
posted by gerry at 4:33 AM

At Fri Aug 11, 05:33:00 PM, Blogger thuns

actualy... war for oil ;)

btw... blognya keren! hebat euy... bisa ngulik blogspot ampe sekeren ini! ckk ckk ckk


At Sat Aug 12, 03:51:00 AM, Blogger gerry

mas elzan bisa aja, ini dapet dari kok

dan lucunya,

browsing kesana kemari dapet 2 blog yg template nya persis sama huehehe