Thursday, November 10, 2005
A minute ago, I opened some blog of my friends and found some discussion about Dan Brown's book: Da Vinci Code and Angels & Demons . ohohoho wait, I won' discuss it here coz if anyone want to hear the review about "complicated, sophisticated, new world order and conspiracy" things, then it is not the place. Believe me, it was quite confusing for me to decide which is wrong and right, since I read the book. Ok stop me here!! plz!!

Anyway, speakin about book and stuff. Sometimes I imagine what kind of ideal life I want to be through, especially in "Leisure Time". When I would not be bothered by assignments and test paper. Or when I don't have to think about "money cancer" problem. Maybe I already know what will I have for that kind of time. Let's see:
  • Books, somethin like non-fiction novel (but no scientific issues in it). Da Vinci Code is jut what I need.
  • Coffee, no instant coffee. I mean real coffee, which we have to put our own sugar and our own milk. Tea might be an option.
  • Cigar, this one is the luxury one. I wonder if somebody want to give me as a gift. I thing Fidel Castro do not really need his cigar anymore. Why? hmm..he's gettin older?

That's what I call life. I might read the book with coffee and cigar by ny side. I don't care if it happens in my room, in the basketball court or even in...toilet? haha nah juz kiddin. Now I kinda stuck with my Marlboro or sometimes Mild Seven. No wonder they said that ciggaretes could cause cancer, especially to your feeling.

posted by gerry at 11:02 AM